Does massage ease pain in your aching body?

Does massage ease pain in your aching body?

There are different ways to ease body pain. Others visit the doctor and try over the counter medicines. But due to various diseases that associates western medicine many, of us opt for a natural way to ease body pain. One method that most people rely to is body massage.  

Body massage is recorded as one of the oldest form of healing. People from virtually every culture have used a combination of touch that delivers healing effect. There are numerous types of massage originated from different countries worldwide and all of these fall under alternative medicine. They’re becoming popular in the best spa’s in Abu Dhabi as a complementary therapy for different kinds of body pains.

Massage therapy is among the preferred treatments for the aching condition and with good reason. Studies should that a massage can help in cutting back trouble and improve sleep range and motion of the joints too.

Massage was found to reduce the production of compounds called cytokines, which play a critical role in inflammation.  A massage therapy can ease muscle pain, reduce stress, and give a feeling of well being. It also helps to distribute tissue and remove deposits of tissue found throughout the body.

In an article written on  as I quote “ In an experiment they found out that a number of patients discovered that massage was far superior to acupuncture for relieving back pain. In addition massage patients, were also four times less likely than other patients to report being bedridden with pain. The authors concluded that “massage might be an effective alternative to conventional medical care for persistent back pain.”

A qualified massage therapist should have a solid understanding of the body, muscle imbalances and the kind of massage that heals the pain away. When deciding to undergo body massage look for a therapist that specializes in this kind of work.

If you’re thinking  of relaxing and spending your day in a soothing atmosphere, then pamper yourself at “ The Victoria Spa and Salon”  call us and book a massage therapy today.